If you are a Catholic musician – serving within a parish or using your gifts on another path – this retreat is tailor-made for you.
This October 21 – 24, 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana, join The Vigil Project and 50 fellow Catholic musicians from around the world for a dedicated time of prayer, creativity, and rest.

Over four days and three nights, you will experience opportunities to grow in three key areas:
Two daily main sessions help musicians grow in their individual and unique call to serve the Church through music, be that directly at a parish or in other areas of music making.
Daily workshops provide opportunities for musicians to grow in areas of technical ability, knowledge of liturgical documents, reading music or chant, developing songwriting skills, and much more. These sessions are a place for honesty, not judgment. With multiple simultaneous workshops each day, musicians select whichever topics are most relevant to them.
Limited retreat capacity of fifty participants so the group has time to grow and strengthen friendships and community
One-on-one and focused group time with the Vigil team
Tap into the greater community of professional Catholic musicians
Time for conversation, creativity, prayer, and fun as a group
Practical tips on forming, growing and sustaining community for musicians/artists in your area
Time for rest, restoration, and self-care
Grow in knowledge of the Catholic Faith through Scripture, the Catechism, miscellaneous Church Documents, and other Catholic artists
Be inspired by daily talks and homilies to dive into deeper relationship with God
Enter into prayer opportunities with daily Mass, Reconciliation, Adoration, and personal prayer
Learn to chant and pray the Liturgy of the Hours
Experience time of praise and worship
Hear from past attendees:
What You Need To Know

4 day/3 night retreat for Catholic musicians hosted by the Vigil team at the Saint Joseph Abbey Retreat Center near New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the beautiful retreat center and grounds of the Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College and home to the Benedictine Monks.
Cost: $825, plus an optional $50 airport shuttle fee. Payment plans are available.
What’s included: Lodging onsite in a double room, bedroom linens, all meals, on-site snacks, all retreat resources and curriculum, talks, workshops, Sacraments, access to a post-retreat online resourcing and community platform, and more… get there and we’ll handle the rest! (Please take note that the lodging is a double room, which means that each room is equipped with one bed and one pull-out bed. To keep costs low and offer as many spots as possible, each room will have two retreatants with a bed and linens for each person.)
Space is extremely limited so we can offer a great retreat spiritually, personally, and practically. We have room for fifty participants. Past retreats have sold out, so it’s best to register early.
Select your payment type below.
Credit Cards have a 3% processing fee added.
Checks require a $50 online deposit, and we will invoice the balance ($775 balance without airport shuttle, or $825 balance with airport shuttle).
Payment plans are available for those wishing to pay in multiple payments, or have a parish/organization pay on their behalf. Contact Andrew Goldstein to arrange a payment plan: agoldstein@thevigilproject.com
After clicking “Proceed to Registration”, you will be asked a series of questions to help us prepare for your arrival. Should you have specific questions, please reach out to Andrew Goldstein, Director of Mission Advancement: agoldstein@thevigilproject.com